Pearson Roofing: Your Trusted GAF Master Elite Installer for Years!
Hey DFW neighbors! Did you know Pearson Roofing has been a GAF Master Elite Installer for years now? Yep, we've been in this elite circle for a while, and we're proud of it!
Just to put it into perspective: Only 2% of roofing contractors are GAF Master Elite Certified. We've maintained this prestigious status by consistently delivering exceptional quality and customer satisfaction.
Why Choose a GAF Master Elite Installer like Pearson Roofing?
Proven Excellence: Years of dedication to top-tier workmanship and materials.
Unmatched Warranty: Only a Master Elite installer can offer the Gold Pledge Warranty, covering you like no other.
Decades of experience plus the Gold Pledge Warranty equals your peace of mind. That's the Pearson Roofing promise!
Feel free to find out more about our GAF Master Elite status by clicking the link below
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